Monday, July 5, 2010

Explain this to me -

Cause and effect - everyone knows about that one...
Synchronicity - well everyone experiences it ...but are not always aware if they are not a sensitive person..
Empathy - well not everyone has that experience of feeling what others do at the same time.....

But what I want to know is this...
A person with DID usually is a very sensitive person to their surroundings....but are alot of DID people empathic?
Like Kalisa?  Her and that "siber fred" (silver thread)  that connects her to her new mommy ....the way she has the same pains and hurts on the same days.......
Or is it connected by a different way? Not empathy but connected with that silver thread and sometimes are as one?
Kalisa can astal project ......
Are DID people more apt to have some kind of psychic whatever?
Oh- this is Crystal asking.
I was just wondering about this...
Can anyone answer this for me?

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