Saturday, July 10, 2010

New Doctor

This is Crystal.
We went to the VA hospital in Tennessee Thursday.  That is where we have to go now- there is a doc here closer but we had to go there for meds.  We were soon out of those 50 some pills we take daily to stay alive.  ( humph.. but what for?).
We couldnt get an appointment here till the end of next month so we were told to go to the ER at the VA to get prescriptions fills.  That was an all day affair !

Kalisa was good-took in EVERY thing !  I dont think she missed one fly on the wall !
It was a very long day - with the 2 fractures in our back  it was an extremely painful, long day !

The ER doc was a civilian - was really nice and helpful.  Kalisa scrutinized him carefully ! But she stayed in !

Tonight we had a really bad rain storm - again !  And there is also that same trigger - the cigarette smoke at the bedroom window!
I had wished that this was a thing of the past and not have to worry about it here !  But no such luck !
The only thing here - there are 2 more dogs in the house and they all bark when someone is around outside (Annie - a welsh corgi and Eva - a chihuahua and then there is Tierra a 6 lb poodle).
So when all 3 get to barking - you know the person outside hears them and leaves !
But I wish they would just let Kalisa alone.

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